Studying CSIT vs Computer Engineering in Nepal - Note Library


Studying CSIT vs Computer Engineering in Nepal

 ✍️ Rameshwor Dhakal

During the admission time, I got several queries regarding the difference between studying BSc.CSIT and BE(Computer) in Nepal. Being a student of CSIT, I had mentioned some of the points that differentiate CSIT from Computer Engineering in my thoughts.

⚫ CSIT is a software-oriented course.

⚫ Computer Engineering is focused more on hardware.

⚫ CSIT is mainly the study of the working of computer software and applications.

⚫ Computer Engineering is the study of computer, it’s design and implementation.

⚫ Computer Engineering mainly focuses on Math and Physics.

⚫ CSIT has more focus on Programming, Networking, and Data Mining.

⚫ Concerning on the courses, CSIT has unique subjects like Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, E-governance, Web Technologies.

⚫ Computer Engineering has unique subjects like Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Electrical Engineering, etc.

*The above points are based on my personal experience and thoughts, no one is compelled to agree with these things. Also, these are the things written in the context of Nepalese academics.

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