Most Important Question Of Class 12 Physics Class 12 Important NEB Question - Note Library


Most Important Question Of Class 12 Physics Class 12 Important NEB Question

Class 12 Physics Neb chapterwise important questions collection

 Most Important Question Of Physics 

UNIT: Modern Physics
Lesson 1: Electrons & Protons

⚫Why electric discharge does not take place at very low pressure? (Take place at low pressure)

⚫Gases are insulator at ordinary pressure and start conducting at low pressure. Why?

⚫ The value of e/m is constant for cathode ray but not for positive ray? (Cathode ray are not electromagnetic ray. Why?)

⚫ Define: threshold frequency, stopping potential photoelectric effect, quantization of charge, cathode ray,

⚫ Millikan's oil drop experiment, JJ Thompson's experiment, Millikan's experiment to determine plank's constant, Einstein's photoelectric equation

⚫Numerical related to Millikan's experiment and photoelectric equation

Lesson 2: solids and semiconductor device

⚫ Define: Hole in semiconductors, nanotechnology, doping, truth table, logic gates, junction diode, rectifier, PN junction, Zener diode, transistor

⚫Working of full wave rectifier (figure) • Describe the formation of potential barrier and depletion region in PN junction

⚫Explain the biasing of junction diode Logic gates; NOT, OR, AND, NAND and NOR

⚫How is Zener diode is used as voltage regulator?

Lesson 3: Quantization of Energy 
⚫AN electron and a proton have a same KE /speed/ potential difference. Which one of them has longer de Broglie wavelength.

⚫ State and explain Bragg's law

⚫ Define: population inversion, optical pumping, ionization energy, ionization potential, X-ray, matter wave

⚫Uncertainly principle

 ⚫Production of X-ray

⚫ Bohr's postulate and total energy and radius of electron in nth orbit of H

⚫ State and explain uncertainty principle

⚫ Numerical based on Bragg's law and de Broglie wavelength

Lesson: 4 Radioactivity

Lesson Recent Trends in Physics
⚫ explain the origin of earthquakes 
⚫Explain different types of internal waves: S and P-waves

Unit: Mechanics

Lesson 1: Rotational dynamics

⚫Derive the expression for rotational kinetic energy

⚫Describe the term moment of inertia and radius of gyration

⚫Find the moment of inertia of thin uniform rod rotating about its center and its one end 

⚫ Establish the relation between torque and angular acceleration of a rigid body • Describe the work and power in rotational motion with expression 
⚫ Define angular momentum and prove the principle of conservation of angular

⚫ Solve numerical problems and conceptual questions regarding the rotational dynamics

Lesson 2: Periodic Motion

⚫Define simple harmonic motion and state its equation.

⚫Derive the expressions for energy in simple harmonic motion Derive the expression for period for vertical oscillation of a mass suspended from coiled spring

⚫ Describe angular simple harmonic motion and find its period 
⚫ Derive expression for period of simple pendulum

Lesson 3: Fluid Statics

⚫State and explain Archimedes principle and Pascal's law Define up-thrust, pressure in fluid, buoyancy, center of buoyancy and meta center

⚫State and use the law of floatation,

⚫Describe surface tension and explain its principle

⚫Establish the relation between surface energy and surface tension

⚫Define angle of contact and capillarity with examples

⚫State the Newton's Formula for viscosity of a liquid and define coefficient of viscosity

⚫Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow & describe Reynolds number

⚫ Recall and use the Poiseuille's formula

⚫State Stoke's law and use it to determine the coefficient of viscosity of given liquid

⚫Explain equation of continuity and its application

⚫Recall the Bernoulli's equation and explain its uses
⚫ Solve the Numerical problems and conceptual questions regarding the fluid Statics.

Unit: Heat and Thermodynamics

Lesson 1: First Law of Thermodynamics

⚫ Define thermodynamic system, work done by the system, work done on the system, concept of latent heat and internal energy.

⚫ State and explain first law of thermodynamics limitations and necessity of second law of thermodynamics 

⚫Define and explain two specific heat capacities of gas appreciating the relation Cp-Cv=R and Cp-Cv=r.

⚫ Explain various thermodynamic process (isothermal, isobaric, sochoric and adiabatic) with good concept of their P-V diagram.

⚫Derive adiabatic equation PV^y=Constant.

⚫Drive expression for work done during isothermal and adiabatic process. Give concept of neversible and irreversible process with examples.
 ⚫Solve mathematical problems related to first lave of thermodynamics and thermodynamic process

Lesson 2: Second Law of Thermodynamics

⚫State and explain second law of thermodynamics (Kevin's and Clausius's

⚫ Explain heat engine as a device to convert heat energy into mechanical energy appreciating that its efficiency is less than 100%.
 Discuss Carnot's cycle with the concept of P-V diagram and calculate the work
done of each step and corresponding efficiency.

⚫Describe internal combustion engines, Otto engine and diesel engine with the help of P-V diagram to compare their efficiencies.

⚫Explain refrigerator as heat engine working in reverse direction

⚫Introduce entropy as a measure of disorder appreciating its roles in thermodynamic process.

⚫Solve mathematical problems related to heat engine.

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