Cee past questions model 2021-past question paper of common intrance exam Nepal 2078❣️ - Note Library


Cee past questions model 2021-past question paper of common intrance exam Nepal 2078❣️


Most repeated question for CEE

Q1. Hydra cannot digest 

      a. Fats 

      b. Protein  

      c. Starch 

      d. Glucose

Hint: Starch is a type of carbohydrate that is composed of many glucose molecules linked together in a complex structure. While some animals have enzymes that can break down starch into its component glucose molecules, other animals, including Hydra, lack these enzymes and are therefore unable to digest starch.

Q2. Totipotent cells of sponges are 

      a. Archeocytes 

      b. Porocytes

      c. Thesocytes 

      d. Coanocytes

Hint:Archeocytes are a type of sponge cell that is capable of differentiating into any other type of cell in the sponge body. They can give rise to other specialized cells such as porocytes, thesocytes, and coanocytes, which are involved in various functions of the sponge body, including feeding, respiration, and reproduction. Therefore, archeocytes are considered the totipotent cells of sponges.

Q3. Tongue in frog is

      a. Bifurcated 

      b. Entire

      c. Bifurcated and anteriorly fixed

      d. Bifurcated and posteriorly fixed

Hint: The tongue of most frogs is bifurcated, which means it is divided into two parts at the front end. However, the tongue is not divided all the way down to the base but is only partially separated at the front. Additionally, the tongue is not free-moving in the mouth of the frog but is rather fixed to the front of the mouth, allowing it to be shot out quickly to catch prey.

Q4. The atmosphere of primitive earth was 

      a. Oxidizing 

      b. Reducing

      c. Aerobic 

      d. Anaerobic

Q5. The eighth vertebra of frog is 

      a. Amphicoelous 

      b. Acoelous

      c. Procoelous 

      d. Opisthocoelous

Q6. Blood pigment of annelids is

      a. Haemoglobin 

      b. Cyanin

      c. Melanin 

      d. Haemocyanin

Q7. Most of drugs are metabolized in

      a. Liver 

      b. Kidney

      c. Pancreas 

      d. Small intestine

Q8. Kala azar is spread by 

      a. Tse tse fly 

      b. Sand fly 

      c. Ticks 

      d. Housefly

Q9. Which part of brain is responsible for attention 

     a. Cerebellum 

    b. Cerebral cortex

    c. Mid brain 

    d. Medulla

Q10. Cardiac muscle fibres are

      a. Striated and involuntary

      b. Non striated and voluntary

      c. Striated and voluntary

      d. Non striated and involuntary

Q11. The cells of germinal epithelium are

      a. Squamous 

      b. Cuboidal

      c. Ciliated 

      d. Columnar

Q12. Malignant tertian malaria is caused by 

      a. Falciparum 

      b. Vivax

      c. Ovale 

      d. Malariae

Q13. Cave painting is initiated by

      a. Neanderthal Man 

      b. Cro magnon Man 

      c. Australopithecus 

      d. Java Man

Q14. Movement of sperm is done by

      a. Head 

      b. Middle piece

      b. Acrosome 

      d. Tail

Q15. Synapse is a gap between adjacent

      a. Muscle fibres 

      b. Connective fibres

      c. Nerve cell and any other cell

      d. Nerve cells 

Q16. Oxygen is mainly carried by

       a. Erythrocytes 

      b. Plasma 

      c. Granulocytes 

      d. Lymphocytes

Q17. The word coacervates was first Used by 

       a. Oparin

       b. Sydney

       c. Miller

       d. Urey

Q18. Sensory spot in ampulla is

       a. Macula

       b. Otolith

       c. Crista

      d. Organ of corti

Q19. The fibrous sheath that connects the bone is 

      a. Tendon

      b. Aponeurosis

      c. Periosteum

      d. Ligament

Q20. Typhoid is caused by 

      a. Helicobacter

      b. Giardia

      c. Salmonella

      d. Mycobacterium

Q21. Cells producing heparin and histamine are

      a. Plasma cells

      b. Mast cells 

      c. Fibroblast cells

      d. Macrophages cells 

Q22. Camel's hump is made up of 

      a. Skeletal tissue

       b. Muscular tissue

      c. Cartilage 

      d. Adipose tissue

Q23. Cushing disease is due to hyper secretion of

      a. Pituitary gland

      b. Thyroid gland

     c. Adrenal cortex 

    d. Adrenal medulla

Q24. Wings of birds and insects are

       a. Analogous 

       b. Homologous

       c. Atavistic 

      d. Vestigial

Q25. Pigmented layer in human eye 

       a. Choroid 

       b. Retina

       c. Sclera 

       d. Fovea

Q26. Venous system of frog differs from that of mammal in the presence of 

      a. Hepatic portal system

      b. Renal portal system

      c. Hepatic vein

      d. Venacava 

Q27. Phylogeny represents 

      a. Embryological history of animal

      b. Comparative anatomy of animal

      c. Evolutionary history of animal

      d. Fossilization of animal

Q28. Purkinje cells are found in

      a. Heart 

     b. Eye

     c. Brain 

    d. Lung

Q29. Which of the following helps in the nourishment of sperms 

      a. Leydig cells 

     b. Rete testis

     c. Bartholins gland 

    d. Sertoli cells 

Q30. Which of the following is not found in frog

      a. Thyroid 

     b. Arytenoid

    c. Cricoid 

    d. Corniculate

Q31. Vit A is synthesized inside the body in

     a. Pancreas 

     b. Spleen

     c. Kidney 

    d. Liver

Q32. Payers patches produces

      a. Pepsinogen

      b. Trypsin

     c. Lymphocytes 

    d. Enterokinase

Q33. Sea anemone and hermit crab exhibits

     a. Commensalism 

    b. Symbiosis

     c. Mutualism 

    d. Parasitism

Q34. Phagocytosis is the function of 

     a. Basophils 

    b. Eosinophils

    c. Neutrophils

    d. Lymphocytes

Q35. Maximum CO2 transport is in the form of 

     a. Plasma 

    b. Carbamino haemoglobin

    c. Bicarbonates 

   d. Buffer 

Q36. Motile , elongated zygote of plasmodium is found in 

     a. Gut of mosquito  

     b. RBC of human

     c. Liver cells of human

     d. Salivary gland of mosquito

Q37. Fish that migrate from fresh to sea water are

     a. Catadromous 

   b. Anadromous

   c. Potamodromous 

  d. Amphidromous

Q38. What does pulse measure 

     a. Magnitude of heart beat 

     b. Force of heart beat

     c. Rhythm of heart beat

     d. Number of heart beat 

Q39. Anticoagulant that is secreted by invertebrates 

     a. Platelets 

 b. Fibrinogens

 c. Hirudin 

 d. Bilirubin

Q40. During resting stage, the neuron is 

     a. Impermeable to both ions

     b. More permeable to Na+

     c. More permeable to K+

     d. Permeable to both ions

Q41. Oncology is the study of 

     a. Neoplasm 


     c. Nucleoplasm


Q42. All of the following is true for virus except that it

    a. Has either RNA or DNA

    b. Can be crystallized

    c. Has nucleic protein with RNA and DNA

    d. Is an obligate parasite

Q43. The earliest prokaryotes must have been 

     a. Chemoautotrophs

     b. Chemoheterotrophs

     c. Saprophytes

     d. Protists

Q44. Red algae and BGA are similar in

    a. Mode of reproduction

    b. Reserve food

    c. Cell Wall

    d. Phycobillins

Q45. Nutritious culture medium is obtained from

     a. Algae

     b. Fungi

     c. Bacteria 

     d. None

Q46. Clamp connections and dolipore septum are               

       the characteristics of

      a. Mycomycetes and phycomycetes

      b. Ascomycetes and deuteromycetes

      c. Basidiomycetes

      d. Penicillium and Aspergillus

Q47. Bread mould is the name of

     a. Rhizopus 


     c. Penicillium 


Q48. Which of the following structure help in  respiration of lichen

     a. Cephalodia 


     c. Soredia


Q49. A Moss differs from fern in having

     a. Flagellated antherozoid

     b. Archegonia

     c. Haploid spores

     d. A dependent sporophyte

Q50. Stele in fern is

    a. Protostele


     c. Volestele 


Q51. Chilgoza grains are obtained from

   a. Pinus

   b.Triticum aestivum

   c. Cycas 

    d. Banyan tree

Q52. Heliophytes are

      a. Light loving plants

      b. Shade loving plants

      c. Sun loving plants

      d. Salt loving plants

Q53. Gaseous exchange in submerged plants  occurs by

  a. Hydathodes

   b. Lenticels

   c. Stomata

   d. GBS

Q54. The term Ecosystem was coined by

      a. Reiter 

      b. Tansley

      c. Linnaeus

      d. Odum

Q55. Maximum variation of organism is found in

      a. Desert

      b. Grassland

      c. Temperate 

      d. Tropical rainforest

Q56. Most of the energy is present in

   a. Herbivores 

   b. Carnivores

   c. Producers 

   d. Tertiary consumers

Q57. Prokaryotic genetic system has

      a. DNA but no histone

      b. Either DNA or histones

      c. Neither DNA nor histones

      d. Both DNA and histones

Q58. The marker enzyme of mitochondria is  

 a. Pyruvate dehydrogenase 

 b. Aldolase

 c. Amylase 

 d. Succinic dehydrogenase

Q59. Large size of thylakoid is

   a. Stroma lamella

   b. Grana lamella

   c. Grana 

   d. Loculus

Q60. Transport protein is

     a. Actin

      b. Albumin 

     c. Myosin 

     d. Keratin

Q61. Lipids are 

   a. Structural constituents of cell membrane

   b. Soluble in non polar solvents

  c. Component having high energy value

   d. All of the above

Q62. Disjunction occurs during

  a. Anaphase I 

 b. Anaphase II

 c. Prophase I 

 d. Prophase II

Q63. Cell plate formation is initiated by

     a. Endoplasmic reticulum

     b. Golgi complex

     c. Microtubules

     d. Microfilaments

Q64. Formation of DNA from RNA is called a. Transcription 

 b. Transduction 

 c. Replication  

 d. Reverse transcription

Q65. Which is present instead of Thymine in RNA

     a. Adenine 

    b. Guanine

     c. Cytosine 

   d. Uracil

Q66. Gene mutation is due to

     a. Reproduction

       b. Linkage

      c. Changes in the sequence of gene in DNA

      d. Changes in the sequence of nitrogen bases

Q67. The original source of variation in a genome is

     a. Independent assortment

     b. Recombination

     c. Crossing over

     d. Mutation

Q68. A nucleoside differs from nucleotide in Not  having 

     a. Sugar

       b. Nitrogen bases

      c. Glucose 

    d. Phosphate group

Q69. Stele in monocot stem is 

     a. Siphonostele 

    b. Eustele

     c. Atactostele

     d. Merostele

Q70. Pericycle lies between 

     a. Epidermis and hypodermis

     b. Endodermis and hypodermis

     c. Endodermis and vascular bundle

     d. Phloem and xylem

Q71. Which of the following is the modification of  stem for storage  

 a. Ginger 

 b. Radish 

 c. Carrot 

 d. Turnip

Q72. Fertilizers can kill plants due to 

   a. Endosmosis 

 b. Exosmosis

 c. Plasmolysis 

 d. None

Q73. In C4 plant , first CO2 acceptor is

      a. Oxaloacetic acid

      b. Malic acid

      c. Ribulose 1,5 biphosphate

      d. Phosphoenol Pyruvate

Q74. Respiration and photosynthesis both requires 

a. Cytochrome 

 b. Sunlight

 c. Oxygen 

 d. Carbon dioxide

Q75. When pollination occurs between neighbouring flowers of Same plant 

  a. Xenogamy 

 b. Allogamy 

 c. Geitonogamy


Q76. Opening and closing of flower involves 

      a. Nastic movement

      b. Epinastic movement

      c. Tropic movement

      d. Autonomic movement

Q77. Biofertilizer in crop is improved by 

      a. Phosphate fertilizer

      b. Urea

      c. Nitrogen fertilizer

      d. Calcium fertilizer 

Q78. To keep the flower fresh , we use

     a. Auxin

     b. Cytokinin

     c. Gibberellin 

     d. ABA

Q79. Banana plant develops from

      a. Rhizome

      b. Seed

      c. Sucker

      d. Stolon

Q80. Through swan necked flask experiment,  Louis pasteur supposed the theory of biogenesis put forward by

    a. Stanley Miller 

    b. A.I. Oparin

    c. Francisco Redi

     d. Haldane

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